Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You’re tired of everyone treating you as if your problems are just like everyone else’s. Sure everyone gets anxiety; and, sure, everyone has relationship and communication issues; but, no one thinks about the complexities and vulnerabilities that get layered on top of those issues.

You feel frustrated that people use the wrong pronouns, or that people make assumptions about your life because they saw something on television. People cannot begin to understand the isolation at times, and the fear and discomfort that comes from ordinary situations, such as talking to friends and family, going to the doctors, updating your relationship status on Facebook, and even life planning.

When you even think about going to talk to a therapist you may be worried that they don’t “approve of your lifestyle choices” or that they may not “get it.”

LGBTQ+ individuals regularly encounter significant prejudice throughout their lives. This stigma can make life’s typical trials and tribulations all the more painful.

Mindful Wellness Counseling provides LGBTQ+ supportive counseling services in a safe and supportive space. With a compassionate and non-judgmental approach, we can work together to help develop healthy inner self-talk, coping strategies, and skills to navigate delicate balances of being authentic and existing in a world that does not always embrace differences.

Call for your free 15- minute consultation today.

“I believe that all people have the resources within them and they need help to uncover their potential . I help bring attention to these strengths and inner wisdoms that have been buried under doubt, fear, and anger.”

-Jolene Feeney, LMHC